Saturday, November 1, 2014

18 months.

I cannot believe that I have been home over a month!

It all just seems unreal. When you’re about to leave for you mission, the mission seems like a dream. Once you’re out there, you’re sure home life was definitely the dream. But the second you get home, every companion, transfer, area, and hour you just spend doing the best thing you’ve done in your life, now becomes the fairytale dream.

I couldn’t have asked, or even dreamed of a better way or place to spend a short year and a half of my time, than serving our Lord. In the end- I feel like I was the one that benefited the most, so the words service or sacrifice don’t even fit.
I gained far more than I gave. The lives I touched were not because I came to Florida, or because of my decision to serve.
It was because of our Savior. It was because of the spirit that I did all I could to worthily hold as an imperfect representative of
Jesus Christ.

He is reason I was called and chosen to serve.
He is the reason I am who I am now.
He is the reason the people I met lives were changed.
He is who made this all happen.
He is who carried me through the toughest of times.

The time I spent was His. The rest of my time here will forever be His.

Nothing can ever make me doubt that for a second.
Everything we have, and will have, is Because of Him.

I love my Savior. I love Him because he’s given me my family, and the opportunity to be with them forever. I love Him because he gave me the chance to help others have the same blessings I tend to take for granted.
That’s what being like our Savior really means. Sharing and serving those who don’t have what we have. I believe it’s the greatest form of Christ-like love.
That’s why the mission and doing missionary work brings so much happiness. J
I loved it more than anything in the whole entire world, but I know I get to embark on new challenges and adventures now and I can’t wait!!!
I’m EXTREMLY grateful for the change I had to serve a full time mission. I know a lot of people don’t have that opportunity, so I will forever be grateful for the trials I went through, and the things I learned. I was very lucky, and will never take that for granted. J

I want to thank everyone who made it happen! Not only my Heavenly Father and Savior who really made it happen, but my wonderful mom who supported, encouraged, and listened to my silly complains every step of the way. To Ashley, Karly, and Katelyn, for listening to my stories and for always keeping things humerous (especially with hilarious music videos and pictures). For my extended family supporting me physically and spiritually. For my 13 companions teaching me more than I could ever teach them. For the wonderful President and Sister Cusick (and the Summerhays) and their countless hours of never ending service to the missionaries of the Florida Tampa Mission. For the members of the Vanderbilt Beach, Highlands, University Park, New Tampa, and Sebring wards for loving my companions and I and for literally doing countless things for us all the time.
And last but not least, for all the amazing people I met on my mission! For those I was able to get really close to and teach, and for those who I may have only met once. You are why I served J
I could never really thank everyone who made this all happen, but I hope you know that you helped me change my life! I sincerely thank you J

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