Sunday, March 17, 2013

A little more about... me

Peanut m&m's are NOT worth the calories. Even if it is chocolate.
I prefer all the blinds and the windows to be open. Because I like the smell of... air... outside.
If I was rich, I would have a house that was basically just windows. Even glass floors...
I hate it when people touch my butt. A lot. If someone slaps my butt I just want to punch them in the face. My mom knows that. She takes advantage of it, but she also pays for it.
I do not like pictures of myself. Unless I am making an abnormal hidious face. The uglier, the better! As you probably already knew...
I tend to over exaggerate... (tend is actually an under-exaguration)
If I could listen to one band for the rest of my life, hands down it would be Rascal Flatts. Album? Feels Like Today.
I punch really hard. Sometimes like a man.
I have strong muscles, and huge arms (thanks mom) it basically looks like I work out a lot. But they aren't worth anything. I am not strong at all.
I think I have weird shaped ears, earphones will not stay in, and if they do, they hurt me!
Sometimes I wish you could just listen to the conversation on the phone like you can go through texts. If someone invents that, they will be my hero. Or, if someone already has, I would like to be informed.
I do not like the new iTunes. At. All.
If I could pick one person to be on a desert island with me for the rest of my life, I'd probably be my mom, Ash, Karl, and Kate. Yeah. I can't pick one. They all make me laugh and I'm glad I'm stuck with them forever :)
I'd rather be a little bit sunburned all the time then my normal pasty white. I got mistaken for tan in a weird lighting the other day. It was a proud moment.
I wish everyone in the world kept a blog. It's pretty much my favorite thing.
I'm obsessed with quotes. I am planning on having a whole wall covered in quotes when I get a house.
I blow off steam or stress by playing the piano. Oddly, I didn't even figure this out on my own. My mom told me and I was like  oh yeah, I do.
I like to lay on the floor... I don't like comfy bed, I feel like I'm suffocating or something... I decided that when I get married and I'm poor, we'll just sleep on the floor... hope he's ok with it...
I could watch the same movie over and over again. I had a friend inform me that I would have seen as many movies as him in my life (which is a lot) if I didn't watch the same movie over and over again.
I can make the craziest faces probably in the world.
Sunday nights make me go crazy for some super odd reason.
I cannot play the piano while people are singing. It completely throws me off! I have no idea why... but I'm working on it.
I have to change the background on my phone every once in a while or I get bored.
I pretty much always have music playing. Either I'm singing it in my head, out loud, or it's playing in the car or the computer.
I hate the dentist.
I talk to much.
I have no clothing style. I copy what other people do, and usually fail at it. For fear of being put on What not to Wear, I counsel myself to not wear sweatshirts and sweats every day. It sometimes works.
I am super flaky. I don't mean, dandruff, I flake on people quite often. It's something I'm working on.
I don't do laundry until it is absolutely necessary.
Country is the only way to go.

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