Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'd like to apologize

Ever since I've gotten my mission call I've been very bitter about when I was called to enter the MTC. I complained to a lot of you about how anxious I was and how mad I was about the whole thing. I didn't understand why I was leaving so late and why I had to wait so much longer than anyone else. To be honest, I still do not know completely. Lately I've been grateful that I've been here for certain things like farewells, blessings, baptisms, Karly's pageant and other things. But I feel really bad about complaining so much. I know that my father in heaven has a purpose for me. Even if I never figure out the exact reason, I know that everything will work out the way that it is supposed to. If I never know the reason, or if it may just be for the simple reason of transfers. It doesn't matter to me, and I'm sorry that I was so negative. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be able to serve a mission at an even younger age than I would have before. That is such a blessing in my life. Thank you all for putting up with me. Now that it is finally almost here I feel very awful about being so pessimistic. I am so grateful for my plan that Heavenly Father and given me and that I am able to have the gospel in my life. I'm grateful that I can repent and start over, and try my best to be better. I'm grateful I have the ability to serve a mission. I can't imagine doing anything else in my life right now. :) thank you for all your support :) 

Also- here is the link to what really helped me understand and realize that right now, my life is amazing and going exactly the way I want it. I was wrong to even complain about something so silly, when others are going through the unimaginable. 

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