Monday, March 25, 2013

Why I am who I am... I have proof.

Sometimes your parents tell you they are your parents.
Sometimes they show you your birth certificate or photos.
But sometimes, you just have plain proof.

This is why I am who I am... you will never doubt again that my parents made me after these... 

I'm pretty sure that I have taken a picture exactly like this before. 

I probably have one like this of me somewhere too... 

This is my ALL time favorite picture of my dad! My mom wouldn't let me hang it up :(
The matching one... at least there isn't one of them together... I wonder if they ever thought that their children would find these... lesson learned... burn the pictures you are questioning.  

Yepppp. That's me. I knew I took after my dad. 

This one is just a beauty! Matching stripped shirts they wore on their honey moon! 

This one shows that she is my creeper sister... seriously... this came right out of a horror movie!

Oh man. She's insane... 

That's our family for ya.... 

This was just a good year!

Here we are again, just as our brilliant selves. 

Ash is my older sister right? We look really happy... 

Here again. I would totally do something like this. My parents did make me (tear)

Here is me in my glory, and Ash in hers. 

Yep. That's my dad. He would have been the best grandpa ever ;) but I'm sure he is right now in heaven :)

My cousins caught it too! I think I have ADD... look at me in the back looking at or through that thing... 

Here is my creeper sister Ashley. 

Yes. This is just awesome.  

Hhahahahahaah I just love Katelyn's face! They look like mini grumpy grandmas

Oh man. This is my favorite picture of Kate and Karl. Seriously! Just stare at it for 10 seconds! Katelyn is NOT crying by the way. That's just a funny face she made. 

Here I am again... 

This is exactly how my wedding will be. I haven't seen like this one in a while... you know, where they ACTUALLY shove it in each other's faces. It's pure magic. And totally my mom and dad to do that. 

This is just... wrong...... hahaha

On the back of this picture is says they were sitting on ice and that's why their faces were like this. Hahaha they would. 

Here is me. Again. I got some weird genes people. 

Here is my dad in his glory :) 

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