Thursday, October 13, 2011

True Blue Football :D

So yesterday me and my roommate/cousin Emily did something very very exciting.
Last week was BYU's homecoming and they had a lot of activities going on. But there was one I especially wanted to go to, and that was the true blue football. I was super excited, but then come to find out, it was cancelled because it was super duper cold that day. So, they postponed it until the next Wednesday.
The weather was actually really good yesterday which made it really fun because it wasn't so cold!
So, this is how it went.
We got in a line and they had us sign a waiver (I'm not even going to lie, I don't know what I signed, I just wanted to get started!) and then gave us a wrist band. Then we walked in and waited in the line for the giant slip n' slide. We probably waited in line close to 25min. It was totally worth it!
Well, first, we made friends because of my Psych phone case (yep, that's how I make most of my friends) they were standing in line by us. So we talked with them and ate free ice cream sandwiches while waiting. Then because I am such a good observer I noticed that people who already had a bunch of foam on them went faster down the slip n' slide. So, me and Emily ran over to the big sea of foamy goodness where there was tug o' war and a person holding the hose of blue foam and played in it for a little bit and then went back to our spots.
They had a tub of goggles you could put on before you went down. That was nice, besides the fact that afterwords when you play in it you get it all in your eyes anyways.
So, I took a big long run and slid face first into the blue foam. IT WAS AWESOME! I went so fast and was being completely covered in foam as I went down. (Like literally, you couldn't even see the people when they went down, it was like a big soft blue blanket)
Problem, it was almost too long of a slip n' slide. I could' breathe once I got to the bottom. You are covered in foam. If someone was just walking they would step on you because it was so deep.
So I had to breathe once I got down so I took in a ugh breath and swallowed a bunch of foam.
It tasted nasty.
But it was sooooooooo worth it!
Emily came down the slide sitting up with her head out. Hahaha I laughed pretty hard. I'm not going to lie, it looked like a big party with a bunch of drunken people. We all just were falling and laughing so hard.
But anyways then we played some more in the foam. The foam they just had everywhere was up to my knees! Ahhhhhhh! I want to do it again! It was so much fun!
Then we walked home carrying our shoes and covered in blue foam. Plus, our faces were dyed blue from the coloring in the foam. We got some long confused stares. It was hilarious. Haven't people seen weirder stuff in their life!? ;)
Oh, but they did have a giant hose going that you could wash yourself off in, but we just wanted to walk home with it on and just shower so we weren't even more cold.
We got home and showered. Ever piece of clothing I owed was blue. Hahahahaha I'm not going to lie, I had yellow underwear on. They turned COMPLETELY green. So cool.
It all came out in the wash though!
Oh man I'm totally doing it again next year :)
Then we did some homework, when and got shakes, and waited until 11:00 to watch Psych. :) BUt we watched part of Pinocchio before.
Good day :)
And Psych was AMAZING! :D
The end

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