Monday, January 30, 2012

Car Ride Home

So many things happen for a reason. And listening to the spirit can help us in way that sometimes might be unexpected…
I was driving home from my house on Saturday night (Sunday morning really) and I just felt over whelmed with the spirit. I just prayed out-loud to my Heavenly Father the whole way home balling my eyes out. This was one of the few times that I have felt the spirit so strongly that I really can’t stop crying (that’s not good when you are driving). It was amazing and so spiritual to just be able to talk to someone like they were there in person right next to me listening to every single word I had to say. I knew he cared, and was listening to me at that very moment. I actually do this quite frequently when I’m in the car alone, it’s easier than praying in your head because you don’t get distracted because you are saying everything out-loud. Try it sometime; I know your testimony of prayer will be strengthened. ;) 
Anyways, so as I was doing this I was driving home (obviously) in my grandpa’s truck that I have been borrowing. Now we all already know about me getting in an accident with Emily’s car, so I *really hate driving other people’s cars now and I swore I would never do it. But it was just needed, I don’t have time or money to look for a car of my own right now… someday… so I was being very very very careful. I don’t speed or go to fast or take any chances. There were hardly any cars on I-15 because it was 1:00am. As I am balling my eyes out (I’m pretty sure I looked and sounded like a complete mess) a mustang passes me going pretty fast. I looked down, I was only going 55 (I usually go at least 5 over). So, that made sense. Then, I see flashing lights. He was getting pulled over. That TOTALLY could have been ME! I was so relived! I sort of started laughing while I was crying. But then I felt bad for the person. THEN, I started crying even more because I knew that Heavenly Father protected me from that. I was too concentrated on talking to him that I wasn’t worried about going fast, so hence, I didn’t get pulled over.
Now, I know that sounds really confusing, but I really do believe that experience that I had, had two meanings. One, just to be closer to my Heavenly Father and let him know how much I love him and my family. Two, to save me a lot of trouble, that I know I couldn’t deal with right now, with a speeding ticket (clarification, I would NOT have been speeding in my Grandpa’s truck, but still). He knows me, and loves me so much. I’m not trying to sound selfish, but I just know with all my heart that He knows me personally and he loves me more than I could ever imagine. He wants the best for me, but He knows that I need trials to grow stronger and become the person that I want to become. I just can hardly believe all the great and wonderful things that happen in my life and I KNOW that it is all from him and has a purpose. J

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