Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

My Dad and his Dad their last picture before my grandpa passed away

Today would have been my Dad's 48th birthday. He was the most amazing person I have ever had in my life (besides my mom). To put it lightly, he was my hero and best friend. I always looked up to him and cared about what he thought. I wouldn’t do anything unless he approved and was ok with it. He always made my mom laugh. That was one of his many talents. He and my mom would always find the humor in things. I would frequently catch them laughing so hard that tears were streaming down their faces. That was one of my Dad’s favorite things. To make my mom laugh until she couldn’t breathe, and he was a pro at it. I think that’s where I might have gotten my weird sense of humor ;)
My Dad was EXTERMELY athletic. He could beat anyone at anything. His favorite sports were… well anything but he really enjoyed basketball (which is where me and my sisters gained our love for it), golf (he loved to play and watch, I remember we would always complain when he was watching golf, but we loved watching the BYU and Jazz basketball games with him) and football. I always remember we would have Daddy Daughter dates and we would get to go out with Dad one on one. I always looked forward to my turn. Most of the time we would get to go to a BYU basketball game. He would buy me all the treats I wanted and we would have fun while he explained certain things to me in the game that I maybe needed to work on. Another thing I always remember was getting to go to the BYU football games with my Dad. We would bundle up because mostly it was cold and he would again, buy me all the treats I wanted.
I guess you can tell where I found my love for BYU. Yes. It was my Dad. I swear on my life he only owned blue shirts. Every jacket and coat he had was either BYU, Jazz, or blue. Blue was his favorite color for pretty much his whole life, but BYU was always his favorite team. I think he got his love for this place from his Dad and I’m pretty sure it’s in the genes. ;)
My Dad never yelled. OK, well, he did. But very rarely. I cannot even remember a specific time that he had ever yelled at me or anyone else. But I remember that when he did raise his voice, you knew it was bad. But seriously. It like never happened. 
My parents also never fought. Some people may say that’s impossible. Impossible is not a word in my family ;) My Dad never yelled at my mom and he always treated her like more than a queen. He would do anything and everything for her no matter what. He loved her more than life itself, and it showed. From his example I learned how I should treat people and what to look for in a future husband.
My Dad’s favorite treats were ding dogs, éclairs, banana cream pies, chico sticks, butterfingers, almond rocka, and snickers. We all knew that too. He would always have treats hidden somewhere. I remember looking through his sock drawer trying to find the stash. I only found it a few times. He was really good at hiding things. He could make his treats last for weeks. One Butterfinger would  seriously last him all week. I don’t know how he did it. Apparently he just had really good self control.
Going along with that I remember my Dad and his saltine crackers. He always had some in his car and on his way home from work he would suck on them, getting all the salt off and then sucking on it till it was moist. Apparently his mouth was so bug because he would flip the whole thing in his mouth while it was whole. He also loved chocolate milk. He would drink it every morning on his way to work. I remember right after he passed we had some chocolate milk  in the fridge and it went totally bad because he was the only one that really drank it.
My Dad worked at Macey’s his whole life. We now call it the family business and I’m surprised that someone from my family doesn’t own it by now ;) I would call him almost every day and ask him if he would bring me home some apples. He always would without fail (I think I really just wanted to talk to him, I just needed an excuse).
There are so many things I could say but here’s the last. I remember almost every day when my Dad would get home from work we would all wait till we heard the garage open or see the car in the drive way and when he would walk in we would quickly turn the Children’s Primary soundtrack on and sing, “I’m so glad when Daddy comes home.” We would run to him and grab his knees and give him a huge hug and kiss.
I cannot even begin to describe home much I loved him and still love him so much! I’m sure he’s up there smiling and can’t wait to see his family again, cause we can’t wait to see him!

Happy 48th Birthday Dad! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving/U.G.L.Y sweaters

This thanksgiving was very simple and fun. I got to head home on Tuesday in the morning(My teacher cancelled class so my mom came and picked me up after she went to work.) First, it was weird packing for home. Second... there isn't one, I just wanted to say first. 

Ok back up. I forgot about Monday. On Monday for FHE we had an ugly sweater contest. I didn't have one, so my VT/FHE Mom took me and Emily to the DI with her to pick one out. Surprisingly it was sort of difficult to find an extremely ugly sweater at the DI. We ended up finding some right before the store closed. Then we went with her to pick up stuff for hot chocolate. FHE was way fun we laughed super hard and took AKWARD "family pictures." I actually ended up winning the ugly sweater competition for the girls. Mainly probably because mine had cowboys on it, and I found a surprise in the pocket... a used tissue. Yeah. I said used. So I think really I won for that because it made us all almost pee our pants. Then we made up a story about the tissue in my pocket and my magical sweater. 
Ok fast forward. Tuesday. After my mom picked me up we ran home made 10 footlong (actually more like a foot and half) sandwiches in less than 5 minutes (pretty impressive if you ask me) and then ran to the school to feed Ash's team lunch. That was insane. We were there a while then we came home after words. I talked to Zack, and then we went to the game. We had these amazing looking shirts that my mom and I had made on Friday and they looked so cool on all of us, plus Ash was surprised. Westlake won by 13, I can't remember the exact score, but they did good for their first game. Ps, it was against Orem. Ash only had 3 points. She did AMAZING, but got into foul trouble early, the refs were being kind of stingy. Then we went home and watched a movie or something.

Ok pretty much my break was spent eating, eating and eating. And watching weird movies (AKA Edward scissor  hands), Christmas Movies (The Santa Clause 2, Arthur Christmas which was AMAZING), and just regular movies (The muppets, The Last song ect...). Laughing and taking with friends and family (especially Zack) and just relaxing and having a good time. 
Thanksgiving we had Thanksgiving lunch with my Mom's side of the family. We ate and then played games all day with our cousins. Then we ate ice cream. Went home, heated up the left overs and had another feast. That night we watched Edward Scissor hands, and that one santa show with Tim Allen (the second one) 

It was amazing and fun to spend time with my family. I'm not going to lie, it was hard to come back because it's so much fun there. But that's ok :)
The end! 

My simple testimony :>

I know that Jesus is the Christ and that he atoned for every single one of our sins. I know that he loves each of us with a love that we could never comprehend. I know our Heavenly Father hears and answers every single one of our prayers even if it isn't in the way that we planned. I know that we are all here for a purpose and we have a Divine Nature unique to us. I know that Christ knows every single pain and suffering that we go through. He knows us, our strengths, and weaknesses and we can over come our weaknesses through him. I know that none of us our perfect, but through him we can be perfect. I know that families are forever and that we can live with them after this life forever if we live worthily. I know that if we strive to do our best and try our hardest that our Heavenly Father will make up for our mistakes. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the ONLY true church upon the face of the earth today and I can never deny that. I know that Christ will come again. I know that President Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet today and that his teachings are from God. I know that The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and every single word of it was inspired and is true. I know that Heavenly Father blesses us all in ways that we may not see, but he knows what we need right now, we just need to accept it. I know that trials are for our good and that we accepted them before we came to this earth so that we could be tried and tested so our faith would grow. I know that we are on this earth so we can become who we want, and so trials and hardships can shape and define who we are. I know that everything happens for a reason and Heavenly Father is always with us. I know that the Holy Ghost can help us make hard decisions in our life. I know that I am here today because of the choice that I made in heaven. I know that the temple is the house of the Lord and that we can go there to feel at peace and to receive blessings and to help others be with their families forever.

End of Semester... what?!

WOW! I seriously cannot believe I only have 8 days of this semester left! It has gone by incredibly fast! Now I only have 7 semesters left until I... graduate... from... college. That may seem like a long ways away, but after how fast this semester just went by, I need a pause button!
I'm so old.
Sooooooo finals.... ya.
At the beginning of the semester I thought that I was doing way good in my classes and learning a lot! Until duh duh duh, my first test. I did horribly! I was confused and worried as I got out of the testing center. I thought (yes, thought would be the correct word) I knew everything but I was horribly wrong. I seriously (even thought this is pathetic) wanted to just ball and run home (home home).
Being a Mommy's girl I called her right after I got out and explained to her how I studied, and went to class and everything but still did really bad.
This was my first real reality of college.
My mom being the loving parent she is asked me if I had REALLY  studied. I dug in my brain and realized I could have done better (well, can't we call at times). So from then on I was determined that I would study better and actually do the reading fully. I made some goals of reading the assigned reading before class and having a study time for each class.
That did not happen. I wish it had. Plus I had (have) no excuse. I do not even have a job and I only have 13 credits of easy classes. (now that I'm saying this out loud it sounds super dumb)
Anyways. Let's just say I have learned my lesson (hopefully). Next semester I'm taking harder classes, and more credits (try: 15 credits, and my classes are: stats (4 times a week), American Heritage (yuck), Music 210H (ya, honors because it double counts), Psychology, Book of Mormon, and Intro to Health Professions). Busy schedule. But that's ok because all of the classes that I was not too thrilled to take I will be getting over with.
Am I scared? YES! I really do not want to fail any of my classes. And since I have not done so hot on my tests so far, this does not look like a happy ending. But I will still try my best and do all that I can to get a good grade on all my finals.
This first semester has been a great learning experience and a huge transition. So I'm trying not to be too hard on myself this semester. But next semester is going to be a completely different story!
I would like to say that they tell you college is hard and all, but it's completely different from what you expect.
High School right now, seems like a huge big fat chocolaty piece of cake. It's so easy. But I don't think I could go up to Ashley and tell her that now. She wouldn't understand. You have to be in college to understand how easy we all had it in High School. If only we could have the High School work and the college experience. That would be amazing!
Anyways that's the end of that ramble.
Stay in School.
Thee end.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What I L.O.V.E about BYU...

First off… EVERYTHING!
No but really…

I love that I can feel the spirit in any class I walk into and that almost every lesson in every class no matter if it’s Nutrition or Book of Mormon you can feel the spirit and you usually end up leaving every class feeling better about yourself. J

I love that everyone around me has the same beliefs as me (well, most of the time)

I love that we say a prayer before class so that we can remember the thing that we are being taught.

I love the great people and professors. Everyone that I have met has been wonderful and nice :D

I love the beautiful clean campus!

I love the emphasis on service that we have and that there are always new opertunities to serve others.

I love that Presidents of the Church get to come and speak to us.

I love that we are right next to the beautiful mountains.

I love that when I write a paper I can talk about the church and Heavenly Father and the spirit. (it makes it a lot easier sometimes because that is a huge part of my life)

I love that there are so many awesome clubs here (ya, the coolest one I have heard about is the dress up like you’re from the renaissance club. They are some times in front of buildings talking, acting, and dressing like they are renaissance period. It is so awesome. People are odd here)

I love that we get assigned reading for class that are conference talks or Ensign Articles.

I love that I haven’t heard one single swear word since I’ve been here.

I love that many great people here love psych.

I love that we have a curfew (so I can go to bed)

I love that we have so many rules (so those dumb people can’t be dumb)

I love that the testing center is one of the “most spiritual” places on campus. I think sometimes there is a prayer clog in that place. (ok, this… is a joke)

I love that everyone is always wearing BYU clothes.

I love that we are... cougars...?

There is plenty more! I’ll add as I think of things ;)

Greatfulness :>

I know everyone does this, but I think it’s just good for the soul to reflect on the things you are most grateful for :>

·      Toilet Paper- this had to be the first one because I am so so so grateful. A girl in our class told us that when she was in some place not here she was taking care of kids in an orphanage and they didn’t have enough money for wipes so they had to use their hand. I’m so grateful.
Ok now to get a little more serious but only for a second…
·      The gospel-it’s the only way I will be with my family and Heavenly Father and sometimes the only way I can stay optimistic J
·      My family- I can’t even explain how much I love them and I know I say it all the time, so I’ll just leave it at that.
·      My friends- they are so amazing and I don’t know what I would do without them!
·      My Savior- all he has done for me
·      My Dad- his example and teachings in my life.
·      My Mom- her example as well and for her being my best friend.
·      Ashley, Karly, and Katelyn- for always being there for me and for being my best friends
Ok It would take me all day long to explain why I’m greatful for all that I am, so I’m just going to list them J I know why I am and that’s all that matters ;)
·      Kailey
·      Jackie
·      Sandee
·      Mandee
·      My phone
·      My computer
·      My fingers
·      My bed
·      My soft Westlake blanket
·      My warm boots
·      My coat
·      My hair
·      My health
·      My Socks
·      My camera
·      My sweats
·      My make-up
·      My body
·      My perfume
·      My yummy smelling soap
·      My Pillow
·      Medicine
·      Chocolate
·      AC/Heating
·      Honey Mustard
·      McDonald’s
·      Life insurance
·      The people of the world that like math
·      The President (yes, I really am)
·      Warm soft carpet
·      My straightener (Dumb, but I am)
·      Stretchy pants
·      TV’s
·      Chick Flicks
·      Measuring Tapes
·      Shoes
·      Cars
·      Fans in bathrooms
·      Eggs
·      Weddings
·      Prayer
·      Love
·      Feelings
·      Miracles
·      Babies
·      Opportunities
·      Beautiful Dresses
·      Holidays
·      Sleep
·      Running water
·      Dishwasher
·      Washer
·      Soap
·      Water heaters
·      Tampons (this needs to be at the top)
·      Doctors
·      Traditions
·      Houses
·      Grocery stores
·      Farmers
·      Sunglasses
·      Hats
·      Sunscreen (or I’d be dead by now)
·      Cures for things
·      Smart people
·      People who peruse their hopes and dreams
·      Neighbors
·      Men
·      The priesthood
·      Toenail polish
·      Fingernail clippers
·      An oven
·      Packaged food
·      Hand sanitizer
·      Towels
·      Desks
·      Lotion
·      Frebreze
·      Grass
·      Chap stick
·      Professors
·      Art Work
·      Music
·      LOVE J
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