Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Clarify your Values Assignment...

One of my favorite classes I have is my student development. It's a class especially for incoming freshman. My teacher Sister Burton is beyond AMAZING! She is so spiritual and fun and you can tell she loves what she does. She teaches us different study skills, resources at BYU, who we are and a bunch of other things! I have learned so much and made many new friends. 

This particular assignment we had to do I like a lot and I think it's something we all should think about every so often and think about...

The questions she asked us were:

1. The things I would risk my life for are
My future family and my family now, and my religion. 

2. What the things in my life that define me as a person?
My standards and values, my family, my attitude, and my trials. 

3. If I were to describe the person I want to be when I'm 50 years old, I would say:
I want to be someone who loves the person they are, has achieved many goals but still has some, someone who has a loving family. I would want to still have the standards I have now hopefully stronger, be someone that knows who they are and still has A LOT longer to live. (50 is REALLY old, but I could go a whole lot longer!)

4. Success to me is:
Doing your very best, never giving up, being proud of yourself, and doing everything you can to active your goals.

5. I am the happiest when:
When I am doing what I know is right and when I'm with my family and friends. 

6. The qualities of character I admire most in others are:
Honestly, Respect, Love, Values, Full to the top of service 

7. When I don't have to do something, what I like to do most is:
Relax, Hangout with my family, do something fun and active (I know that's the opposite from the first one, it just depends on the day), and do anything crazy that will make me LAUGH. 

8. What kinds of things do I want to do/be in the next 5 years?
I hope to either be married or have gone on a mission, or both would be fabulous! Hopefully succeeding in my career and graduated, or being a stay at home mommy, or a working mommy. 

9. If my resources were such that I didn't have to work for a living or I could do anything I wanted, I would:
First answer that comet to my mind, I would want to travel the world and help and serve other people and learn new things. But then I think after a while I would just want to come right back home and do exactly what I'm doing now in the place I love :)

10. If I could change anything in society, what would it be?
I think I would want to change the way that sacred things are being portrayed. And a whole lot of other things it would just take a whole long. 

There was more things but these are the ones that I really liked :) It was nice to think about. 

Then she had us write an "I am" statement so here's mine as well... 

I am Nicole Lee Calder. I am named after my hero and my best friend. I am from Saratoga Springs, my favorite place on earth. I know who I am, where I'm going, and how I need to get there. I value and love my religion and family more than anything else in the world. I love anything and anyone that makes me laugh. I love my family and friends. I will always stand up for what I know is right. I crave the outdoors and spending time with others. I have goals and standards.I will be with my family forever and will do anything and everything to reach that goal. I honor my country and people who risk their lives for it. I delight in helping people discover what they were missing. I enjoy serving. I want to be the best person I can be. I value friendships and education. I love my trials and the person they mold me into. I look up to people who are humble and honest and know who they are. I am a beautiful daughter of God. 

Not to great, but it was fun and helped me actually in my life right now. :D 

The end :)

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