Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving/U.G.L.Y sweaters

This thanksgiving was very simple and fun. I got to head home on Tuesday in the morning(My teacher cancelled class so my mom came and picked me up after she went to work.) First, it was weird packing for home. Second... there isn't one, I just wanted to say first. 

Ok back up. I forgot about Monday. On Monday for FHE we had an ugly sweater contest. I didn't have one, so my VT/FHE Mom took me and Emily to the DI with her to pick one out. Surprisingly it was sort of difficult to find an extremely ugly sweater at the DI. We ended up finding some right before the store closed. Then we went with her to pick up stuff for hot chocolate. FHE was way fun we laughed super hard and took AKWARD "family pictures." I actually ended up winning the ugly sweater competition for the girls. Mainly probably because mine had cowboys on it, and I found a surprise in the pocket... a used tissue. Yeah. I said used. So I think really I won for that because it made us all almost pee our pants. Then we made up a story about the tissue in my pocket and my magical sweater. 
Ok fast forward. Tuesday. After my mom picked me up we ran home made 10 footlong (actually more like a foot and half) sandwiches in less than 5 minutes (pretty impressive if you ask me) and then ran to the school to feed Ash's team lunch. That was insane. We were there a while then we came home after words. I talked to Zack, and then we went to the game. We had these amazing looking shirts that my mom and I had made on Friday and they looked so cool on all of us, plus Ash was surprised. Westlake won by 13, I can't remember the exact score, but they did good for their first game. Ps, it was against Orem. Ash only had 3 points. She did AMAZING, but got into foul trouble early, the refs were being kind of stingy. Then we went home and watched a movie or something.

Ok pretty much my break was spent eating, eating and eating. And watching weird movies (AKA Edward scissor  hands), Christmas Movies (The Santa Clause 2, Arthur Christmas which was AMAZING), and just regular movies (The muppets, The Last song ect...). Laughing and taking with friends and family (especially Zack) and just relaxing and having a good time. 
Thanksgiving we had Thanksgiving lunch with my Mom's side of the family. We ate and then played games all day with our cousins. Then we ate ice cream. Went home, heated up the left overs and had another feast. That night we watched Edward Scissor hands, and that one santa show with Tim Allen (the second one) 

It was amazing and fun to spend time with my family. I'm not going to lie, it was hard to come back because it's so much fun there. But that's ok :)
The end! 

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