Monday, November 7, 2011

Long time no see...

Ok, it really hasn't been that long. But it kind of has for me. I've just been writing paper for other classes and stuff (aka, having fun). Halloween was amazingly fun! I dressed as Syndrome from Incredibles and My mom was Mr. Incredible. Ash was Dash. And Karly was Edna (Katelyn was at a birthday party). It worked out perfect! Everyone loved it and it was so much fun! Then I had to plan a ward party because I'm on the wonderful planning committee. It kind of blowed. But we got a lot of cake out of it so it's ok! Then Halloween was fun. I ended up going trick or treating (I know lame, but we only went to people we knew) with Austin, Christina, and Ash. That was... interesting. So, anyways that was fun.
School work getting busier and harder as final exams fast quickly approach...
The Office is hilarious and I hurt myself laughing and can't breath. It's so funny I can't even explain. It's for sure my humor.
I wrote a really hard paper. It has never really been a struggle for me to write papers, but this one was. It was only 450 words but I blew my brains out for 2 weeks trying to do it.
Oh! I went on a date with Spencer Trotter! That was way fun! We went bowling and then got ice cream and then played games with his sister and her friend :)
Then the next day me and my roommates asked people on dates and carved pumpkins! It was a blast! Me and my date made one that was puking it's guts out and had "snot" coming out it's nose. So cool :)
So I don't really remember what else happened.... these past weeks have gone by in a blurrrrrrrrrr. That means I need to keep up on this so I actually remember cuz I have the memory of a Grandma.

Theeee end.

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