Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hunger Games...

This is going to be short and sweet!

Sorry! It's been while. I've been pretty busy and just haven't made time to blog. I had a fun week last week. I hardly remember what we did (and this is why I blog), but I know I had a good time :)
First thing, how could I forget, we went to HUNGER GAMES! Whooo! I have only read the first book, but I loved it soooo much! So I could not wait for the movie! We made shirts with Danny and Makelle, and wore them when we went to see it. I loved the movie! I though they did it just perfect! They took out what they needed and only added like 2 things which I loved! I want to go and see it again so bad! After we saw the movie we ate subway and took Danny home. A lot of his family and my aunts and uncles were over so we stayed there a while and talked. :) 

On Saturday.... I can't remember for the life of me what we did... it's driving me crazy. But, obviously it wasn't that important. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you guys made those shirts! You should sell them...


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