Monday, June 4, 2012

Eagle Mountain Carnival

We went to the Eagle Mountain Carnival J I have never actually been on rides at a carnival. I’ve been to one before. Well, several times for Strawberry Days. But that was mainly to just eat some strawberries and crème. So this was an awesome thing for me! Especially because one of my favorite places ever is an amusement park. What no body warned me about was that you might actually get sick on them. I’ve never gotten sick at a ride before. Ever. I have a pretty strong stomach. I hardly ever through up either. But one of the rides made me a little queasy…  I didn’t feel too sick. But I definitely wasn’t prepared to go on it. I had just eaten and wasn’t thinking it would be that bad. Oh man. 5min of spinning super duper fast. Wasn’t too good. Luckily my dizzy and sick feeling only lasted until the guy came and got us out of the car. Whew. Now I know I’m not crazy. I can still go on rides! I’m not an oldie! But Jackie actually sick. So we laid in the grass until she felt better. Then we just decided that it would be better for her if we just came back the next day. So we did! We rode the zipper (which was closed the day before) with Ash and Christina. Then they rode one we rode the day before to finish our tickets off. We then got snow cones and went to the concert. Which was amazing by the way! Even though we only go to see like 3 songs. Fireworks. Those were pretty cool. Then we played a very competitive game of nerts which can be explained in the picture at the end J

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