Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas trees and sickness

Sometimes things just happen for reasons. I truly believe if we are living right and listening to the spirit we will get going where we need to. 
I was home all weekend and I got to hangout with friends and family. I had such a great time. I was over at my friend Zack's house Friday night (I think it was Friday...) and then with my cousins family Saturday and then my whole Dad's side of the family Sunday night. This might not have been a good plan. Zack's whole family was sick with the stomach flu. Danny's family was all sick with the stomach flu. Pretty much my whole family had recently had or were about to get sick with the stomach flu. Katelyn had it about 3 weeks ago. Karly got it on Tuesday. Ashley got it on Wednesday. Guess who hasn't had it? Ya. Me. I'm so glad and grateful especially because I have lots to do before finals week. 
But this isn't about bragging about have a super hero immune system.... 
So on Monday I had an event for Miss. Saratoga Springs. A tree lighting to be exact. It was fun. But I don't have a car and Ash let me take "her" car on Sunday so I could get back for the lighting. I wasn't going to take it again and I'm sure she wouldn't have let me. So, I just decided to skip my classes on Tuesday and take an extra vacation day. I got to sleep in sort of and it was nice. When I woke up I found Karly on the couch watching a movie. She told me she had thrown up in the morning when she had woken up for school. My mom wasn't home because she was still at work. I helped her get things she needed and turned on movies for her. When she threw cup a couple times I would clean out the throw up bowl (I have no idea why we weren't using the trashcan...) and get her a drink and a paper towel. Good fun. I watched movies and cleaned up throw up. But I was very very glad that I was there to help her because in my opinion it sucks to be alone when you're sick. Especially if you are throwing up.
My mom got home and she was exhausted because she has to go to work early because she works at UPS. This is her favorite time of year for work. Sometimes she has to go in as early as 2:00am. 
Anyways. So I got some school work done in that time and was able to help out Karly and my mom. That night (Thursday) Ashley had a basketball game. I was going to try and come up for it that day anyways so that worked out good. She told me she wasn't feeling too good before the game but she couldn't tell if it was just nerves or if she was really sick. She didn't look like she was feeling very good when she was playing. But she still played amazing. They ended up losing. But they played one of the toughest teams in the state. 
So Ash threw up 3 times that night. My mom was like knocked out, and I didn't want her to have to wake up because she had to go to work in a couple hours anyways. So, I helped her and stuff. 
In a weird way, I slightly think that even though I missed school, I was meant to stay home so I could help my Mom out. I know that's stupid, and kind of a dumb excuse, but I'm so glad I was there. 
So anyways. That's the exciting story of why I think the Lord helps us do things we wouldn't normally do because he has a plan for us. Even if it was as small as skipping school for a day to just help someone out in the smallest way. 

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