Thursday, December 29, 2011

Early Morning Fun

Holy cows. After waking up at 5:00am yesterday and then 6:00am this morning I'm pretty tired. I know that's totally pathetic because I've been getting plenty of sleep over the break, but still...
I really hate sleeping down stairs on my couch in my house. It freaks me out so bad for some reason. I sleep fine, but I'm just afraid that if someone comes in our house to murder or rob us they will get me first. That's just not a good idea. I know it sounds way stupid, but I really am super afraid of it! So, I woke up around 5:00am to my dogs freaking out and barking at the front door. Oh man. Scared me silly. But they eventually stopped and I was able to get back to sleep. Then at 6:00am I wake up  to them barking again and hearing my mom's door open... she wasn't supposed to get home from work at this time. I freaked out. Then a man figure came walking towards me... oh my heck... I sat straight up and literally got ready to attack. Then, he comes and sits on my legs!? What the heck!!!???
Ya. it was Danny my brother cousin. He laughed so hard because he said he was going to say something but then decided after I had sat straight up and looked like I was going to hit him, he decided not to. Good plan. Man. What a weirdo. You would think I would be used to it by now because it happen more often than you might think. So we wake up my other sisters and me, him, and Karl head to Walmart because I actually bet him my mom wasn't at work because I swear she had said she had the rest of the day off. We called her. She was at work. So I had to make him crepes.
We went to walmart got some strawberries, bananas, and black berries (and some other random things) for crepes. We watched part of The Last Song and then had a crepe feast... at 7:00am. It was great. We then played Mario Cart for a while and then all fell asleep and he went home when Ash had to leave for practice. This sounds a little random, but we do stuff like this all the time. This is why I love my family so much! ;)
So here's some fun pictures:

"No pictures..."
OH, and the other thing we got was this weird cozy pajama thing... Danny just got it for my mom. It was one of those "as seen on tv things so it was pretty cheesy ;)" She LOVED it! It even had a zipper for the back so she can do her business ;)

Ya, she fell asleep in them... 
What a great morning ;)

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