Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I was trying to come up with a better title for this post... but I really just can't... 
That's been our life. I go to at least 3 basketball games every week... but this week it was four! Yes! Ashley is now 2-4 for the season and it's looking good from here. She had 19 points her last game so that's pretty awesome. Katelyn has only lost one... but I can't remember how many they have played. Maybe they are 3-1... ya... that could be it. 
We went to the BYU basketball game on Saturday! I forgot how much I miss watching college and professional basketball. I used to watch it all the time with my dad. Ash and I haven't really caught back up with that yet. We used to know every single player on BYU and the Jazz and would go all the time with him. We have 4 all sports passes because we wanted to be able to go to the basketball games as well as football. The students (oh wait.... I am one. Ya. That still hasn't sunken in and I just finished my 3rd semester) were CRAZY! It was so entertaining! I can't wait to go to the next one! 
We also went to Los Hermanos with everybody after and had a good laughing time there ;) I love these guys. 

We laughed pretty hard at this guys. Provo Utah everybody :)  (and I have to say I'm grateful that it is covered... I wouldn't want to see that all of dinner) (Ok I need to clarify... I don't think it's "gross" or anything because it's art. I just wouldn't want to be "distracted" by it all dinner....) (Ok I so need to clarify again. I'm not a crazy person... or... ok I'm stopping. You get it) 

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