Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day 2012!!!

Oh man oh man! What a good day!! To clear things up before I start, I DO NOT have a man right now so that's not why it was so amazing!
I've really become very ok with being single (that's just for now) ;)
So I got to sleep in which was really nice considering my crazy weekend, I needed some good sleep. So I woke up watch (listened) to the devotional and then walked out the door to head for class. There was a cute heart on the door of our apartment that had Emily's name on it, so I gave it to her and then assumed that the bag on the handle was hers too. That made me super happy for her :) you have no idea! I love that she's in a relationship! I would rather her be in one than me! So then I started walking to class and she comes out and yells, "Nicole! This one has your name on it!" I laughed as she threw me the bag. It was from my mom and said, "Enjoy your perfect man on it" love mom. Ha I had to get to class fast so I just put it in my backpack. I was going crazy the whole time walking to class because I wanted to know what was in it! My mom always does the funniest things, especially if it's for Valentines day! So once I got to my BOM class I opened it and couldn't keep from laughing out loud. She gave me a candy bar that had someones name on it, it's a huge inside joke but it had to do with what she wrote on the front (I really can't say, because my blog is not private, and I have no idea who reads it!) Then there was a bag of m&m's and 2 of my favorite doughnuts and a pair of sexy underwear (of course). It totally made my day! My mom is such a weird woman but I love her so much! Now I know where I get all my weirdness! ;) So, I went to class and stuff that day and then right after my test and 5:00 class I headed to Ash's last basketball game. It was intense (even though it really shouldn't have been, it was slightly embarrassing). They killed this team last time. Ash didn't get to play last time because she was injured, but she was fine this time. It went into over time. They ended up winning by 13 in overtime... but ya, it was just weird. I'll just say, I lost my voice. That's how good it was! Then we got some pizza and ate it at my house and I just got to sit and chat with my family.
Now don't go judging too fast, I was going to do something for my mom. I just really didn't have time. Having that 5:00 ruined everything I was going to do. It always does. I was going to get her lilies because they are a sign of the 20th anniversary and also they remind her of my dad because of the song "Consider the Lilies" and because of something very personal. So, I was planning on making her cry with those and a note and then a picture of Christ and 2 little kids looking at lilies with final lettering saying consider the lilies. Man. I was totally going to get those tears going, but life just happens I guess. I think I might still do it (and I can say this on here because I know my mother doesn't read this;)) But it's the thought that counts right?!
But anyways then I had a good talk just me and my and headed home :) it was really good :)
Oh! And both my roommates have wonderful men and I'm beyond happy for both of them! And! Emily had her first kiss yesterday!!!!! I'm seriously leaping for joy right now :) I couldn't be happier! :D

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