Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012 Conference/April Fools

I absolutely LOVED conference! I always say that, but I really did! It always comes just at the right time, right when I need it! Saturday was also fun because we went shopping in between sessions... I think every one does.. downeast was PACKED! But quick funny story... as we were in the parking lot to downeast making our way in, I hear a voice say, "Is that Nicole?" I turn around, not knowing where to look, and in the distance we see my cousin Katrina. She makes her way to us and we all just laugh. As she gets closer she says something like. "Kristin, is that you? I THOUGHT YOU WERE A MEXICAN!" We all busted a gut. My mom has lost a lot of weight and looks great! Plus, she's been going tanning for our cruise and so she is really really tan. We all got a good kick out of that. Plus it was fun to see my cousin.
Ok, back to conference. I felt like some of the things they were really stressing were, family's, forgiveness, repentance, and missionary work. Which is really what we all need right now!
Elder Holland's talk really hit me. But the end really stood out to me, he said: "Don't delay. It's getting late." That was one of the last things that he said! Wow! But really! It is getting late! We all need to get our act together and repent! We hear it all the time from our prophets, but he just came right out and said it, plain as day. How powerful.
I missed about half of the Saturday morning because Katelyn had a basketball game (I know that isn't an excuse, but I want to support her, I WILL watch it... right now actually).
I didn't write down much this time, but some of my favorite things said were:
"It's through the hardships of life that we grow towards Godhood"
"In the kingdom of God there are no second class citizens."
I especially loved President Uchtdorf's, as always! Just on forgiveness. I needed to hear that, but also the part of his talk where he talked about not judging others. That was meant for me, I know it! ;) But the bumper sticker he talked about was awesome: "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you do." I also loved how he gave us the advice to just STOP IT! How great. He's an amazing man. As all of the leaders of our church are. I also loved how he said "we should forgive as we would want to be forgiven."
I have learned so much this conference and plan to make some changes in my life so I can be a better person :)
President Monson's talk was wonderful as always :) loved his.
I also especially loved Elder Anderson's. Maybe that's because he made my cry when he talked about the earthquake and the little boy singing I am a Child of God and how the parents just prayed and had faith that they would find at least one of their children, and they ended up finding all of them.
I just know that all the talks are inspired, and are meant for us and what we need to hear in our day. I also know that the words of our prophet's today are more important than anything else and that we need to listen to them. I know that God speaks through his prophet's here on earth and what they are teaching is extremely important and we should not only listen, but do the things that they teach.

Also, today was my grandpas... 83rd birthday I think.... ah man, I can't remember. But anyways. My aunt Diane planned a huge hot dog roast for us to get together. But, the bad weather always ruins things so we did it at my uncles. We ate yummy food, talked, laughed, played games and shared memories.
My mom made real deviled eggs and then "fake" ones. The fake ones  are made of marshmallow and yellow frosting. They take a lot of time, but have fooled some people, so it's pretty fun. Then she also made cupcake meat loafs. They are little meat loafs baked into cupcake pans... that have mashed potato frosting. Those actually fooled a LOT of people. We had a lot of fun listening to people say, "oh I want a cupcake" and then to their disappointment.... it's not. Pretty funny :)

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