Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Temple experience.

I've been sitting here trying to think of one word that would sum it all up... the only thing I can think of is indescribable (I know right. So unique). 
I kept telling people I was going to go through the temple soon and they would just say- "Oh it's weird. So don't get freaked out", or something to that extent. To tell the honest truth- I was not even a little bit weirded out. I have NO clue what they were talking about when they said weird. I had the most spiritual experience of my life and couldn't even control my emotions the whole time. Most of my extended family was there, and my mom was my escort. That made the whole overall experience even more special for countless reasons. I am so glad I have so many family members that are worthy to enter the temple, and that live so close so that I could share this special experience with them.

My mom and I began a fast the night before I was going to go through. I think that was one of the greatest strengths for me. I fasted that I would be able to listen to the spirit and that I would get the confirmation that what I was doing was all true, and that I would not be "weirded out." I think that was my biggest help. 
I feel so blessed and privileged to have had the opportunity to be invited into our Lord and Saviors house. I am grateful for my wonderful parents who raised me to always keep my eyes on the temple as my eternal goal. I am excited that I have made it to this point in my life and that I was prepared for this time in my life not only through my parents, but my wonderful sisters, primary teachers, sunday school teachers, young women leaders, friends, family, the scriptures, and most importantly my brother, best friend, and Redeemer Jesus Christ. 
I know without a doubt that through the temple, is the only way that we are able to return and live with our Father in Heaven in the Celestial kingdom with our families again. What goes on inside is powerful, binding, and scared. I know that we are the closest to our Heavenly Father and our loved ones in heaven when we are in the temple. I know this through my own personal, sacred experiences. I am so glad that we have so many beautiful temples surrounding us. I hope that those of you who are not yet eligible for a temple recommend will set your sights on the temple and make it your goal in life right now, I cannot even explain the blessings you will receive through doing this. 
I hope that each of us can find the time to go to the temple as often as we can, there we can serve others and learn of His will and purpose for us. 

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