Monday, February 6, 2012

Christ-like figures

I love going to my home ward on Sunday :) I just always feel really at home and happy :)
Testimony meeting is especially great. I love hearing the little kids sweet simples testimonies, especially since I don't get to hear them in my ward.
But something that has just recently been going on (I think) makes me want to attend my home ward even more! We had a boy named Brandon in Young Men's. He has a disability, but is one of the sweetest kids you have ever seen. I don't really know his whole back ground story well enough to tell it; but it really is  better than amazing.
So anyways, he actually gets to pass the sacrament. Some people might wonder how that is even possible or if it's even necessary. But I just know that my bishop is called and inspired of God and was prompted to do this.
So he has another boy in our ward walk around with him. He stays right next to his side the whole time, guiding him and watching him closely, only interfering when needed. I believe this happens every week and it gets me choked up every time. It makes the sacrament that much more meaningful and special to see someone acting as Christ would if He was here.
We are taught that Christ is our prime example and we should strive to become like him. Both of these young men obviously know what the definition of this is. I know that Heavenly Father is proud of both of them and .
Christ knows each of us perfectly and knows what is best for us. He loves us more than we can ever comprehend. He died for us so that we can live with him one day. He is the light of the world and I know that if we follow him we can live with him and our families forever one day. I know He is watching over each and everyone one of us at all times and is always there.
Thank you for being such and amazing example to not only me, but everyone in our ward!

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