Sunday, February 5, 2012

Music's impact!

Music has such a profound impact on all of us. I'm sure we all know that. Your favorite song comes on and you jam out to it, singing at the top of your lungs. It puts you in a good mood, or a bad mood. My music really defines who I am. If you were too look through my iPod you would instantly know what kind of person I was. I would hope... 
So music. I love music so much. Music really just is a huge thing in most people's life. We usually see more people with headphones in, then without. 
So recently my Book of Mormon teacher was talking about music. He really only talked about it for a second, but it really made me think. He just said something along the lines of going through our movies and music and making sure that we aren't embarrassed if the Savior or prophet was looking through our music. We have all heard this more than once I assume; but this time, I was determined! I decided that there were a couple things I had on there that I would not be comfortable if the prophet saw on my iPod. Not that I have super bad songs, but maybe a couple things that I really shouldn't. 
So, I started. I went though iTunes and deleted stuff without hesitation. It was nice because I needed to clean out my "little kid" music anyways. So I went thought and it felt amazing! It was like a game! It made me feel so much better! Now I can just listen to my music and not have to worry! 
I seriously encourage everyone to do it! It might be hard at first. But then you will end up wondering why you spend a dollar on some of the crap you have! But you will feel AMAZING and it will be just one more small and simple thing that will bring you closer to the Savior and help you live a more virtuous life. 

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