Monday, February 13, 2012

Random thoughts Feb 13

I'm so glad that I am not in High School anymore. That's all. I like being in college. Although it's hard... really hard. It's totally worth it and I don't mind being old. People always say it goes by so fast and so you should enjoy the moment. Well I sure am! But don't judge me, but I would also get married (this is not because it is the day before Valentines Day I swear!). The single life is great and fun, but I've also had a lot of fun so whatever happens, happens! So that's how I'm going to look at life and just do what I want to be doing right now! Not trying to sound selfish... 
Speaking of selfish.... I'm done with this whole "all about me" deal. That's the only person I have to worry about right now because apparently I'm in college and that's what you are supposed to do. It's so boring, and I want to be worried or thinking about someone else right now... I'm done only thinking about myself.
That's the end of my random thoughts :) 


  1. You have a blog, cute girl?!?!?! I'm so glad to be able to keep up with you. And your time will come when your life is no longer your own and you have to take care of everybody except you. So, today, while you are in your selfish stage, go spend some money on YOU, go get some dinner that YOU want and sleep all night long without any interruptions.;)

  2. Ha ya :) not a very exciting blog... but ya know ;) Awwwwww thanks! That REALLY meant a lot! Seriously it made my day :) you are amazing, and I love your blog by the way!


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