Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy 20th Anniversary!

Yesterday (Valentines Day) was my Mom and Dad's 20th wedding Anniversary! Wow! 20 years (just think, that means only 14 more months till this girl turns 20!!!!!!???? Sorry, bad reality check)! I know if he was still here that they would be as happy as ever :)

Sorry there is a huge hole in the top... it hangs on my bulletin board in my room :)  

I always remembered Valentines day being a fun family day. Even though it was always their Anniversary and Valentines day they would ALWAYS spend it with us. We would wake up to candies, cups, toys and a yummy breakfast every Valentines Day. We all knew it was their Anniversary so some years when we were older we would attempted to do fun things for them like make a special dinner, clean up the house, or decorate the house. Most of the time, I'm sure it failed and everything went wrong. But, I know they appreciated it and loved us :) but they never went out 1 because it was always so busy, and 2 they just wanted to spend it with us. But I remember one particular year, my Dad couldn't walk, I think he had just recently be handicapped and he wanted to do something special for my mom. So, my wonderful Aunt Debra (my Dad's sister) took my Dad out and helped him pick out a ring to give to my mom, and then she had them over for dinner at her house that night (because you know, they didn't like to go out). He picked out a beautiful ring that actually said "Love" when you turned it to it's side looking underneath the diamonds. My mom loved it, of course, especially because he couldn't just go and get it on his own, it was a little bit harder then that. So they ate at my aunts house privately, and I wasn't there of course, but I know that they had a great time :) Plus, my aunt was so sweet to make dinner for them on Valentines Day. I know my mom will forever remember that special night. My Dad was such a sweetheart to her. They loved each other more than anything and you could always tell. Even the way that they looked at each other was special and precious. I'm so grateful that I have such a great example for a husband and Dad! Plus, I also have a great example for exactly what I want to be when I grow up, just like my mom and dad. And, I won't settle for anything less then the love that my mom and dad had :) I won't mind waiting a little bit longer for my perfect man (not someone perfect, just someone perfect in my eyes)
Aren't I just the luckiest girl in the world? How did I get the best parents in the world? :D

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