Sunday, February 19, 2012

Twilight, Basketball, Dating, and Abe Lincoln

This week has been a pretty fun/crazy one!
On Wednesday I got to hangout with Christina and party! We ate McDonald's, ate cold stone, and watched Breaking Dawn (I know,  I REALLY do hate those things, but I just had to know the ending...). It was super fun to spend time with her and just be able to talk :)
Later that night... ya, I watched it again. Don't judge. I just didn't understand it the first time because we were talking the whole time and then Emily watched it with me the second time so I asked a lot of questions (if you really think about it, that movie doesn't make a whole lot of sense for people who haven't read the book). I have read the first 3 books. But, honestly, I don't remember them even a little bit. Sorry for those Twilight Fans. I really don't like the books or movies at all. They bore me, and they have been made into a big deal over nothing. Harry Potter, ya I like Harry Potter and I can understand that. But I just don't really think Twilight was very well written and the story line is... ya I don't know. Sorry for the rambling moment. To be clear, I do not hate people who are obsessed with it :) ha, they just make me laugh.
On Thursday I went to my cousin Katie's last basketball game. She is a senior so it was her senior night. She played AMAZING! I haven't gotten to see her play much, so it was fun to go to the last game! Plus, I got to see my cousin Levi dance, see Nate's basketball fingers (he's the next Jimmer, I promise you), and talk to my Aunt Natalie and Uncle Dale :)
Then I just went home and talked on the phone with Zach :)
Friday I went to my dress fitting which went amazing :) it's perfect! Then I cleaned the house and went to the men's volleyball game on a double date with my cousin and her boyfriend:) That was a blast and we totally WON! Then we went to get frosty's and headed back to our place and watched Harry Potter :)
Saturday. This was the greatest day! I slept in till 12:45pm! Apparently my body really needed some serious sleep because I went to be at 2:00 the night before and now that I think of it, I really didn't get that much sleep this week. I just needed some catch up. So that was great. Then I got ready. Studied with Tanner and then we headed to a concert. It was AMAZING! It was an orchestra concert that we went to see for our Music class, but we ended up loving it! Then we ate this delicious crepe (oreo creme, SOOOOOO good!) and watched Money Ball at my house. It was super fun :)
Sunday.... well that's today. I went to my church at 8:30 and then Jackie texted me and said she wanted me to come to one of her missionaries homecoming.
Ok. This requires an explanation. So he was one of her missionaries because he had broken his thumb in the MTC so they wouldn't send him to his mission in Romania until he was healthy. So he just served with 2 other missionaries in Eagle Mountain while he was recovering. We were lucky enough to meet him. Jackie wrote him on his mission so he wanted her to come to the homecoming because he's from Salt Lake.
So we went to that. Ha, we were a little late. For some reason the address on Facebook wasn't right. Luckily the church was right around where the weird address lead us too so we just asked a nice man shoveling his driveway where the church was. IT WAS TOTALLY MEANT TO BE!
It was great! 2 of her other missionaries were there so she was just beaming the whole time. She was having the time of her life with them. I think she was wishing that she could have gone back to that great time :)
After we went to the luncheon at his house and had fun laughing with the missionaries.
Then me and Jackie went to her old young women leaders house and laughed and talked for a while. Then, we went to Austin's house and played games and watched TV shows. Oh, and worked out apparently, I'm pretty strong I can bench 80 pounds! That's pretty good for someone who hasn't lifted in a while!
Then I went to my families amazing family night. Abe Lincoln came and talked to us! Ha it was funny, informational, and spiritual all at the same time. It was fun to see my family and have a good time :)
Well, sorry for the boring update :) I had a fabulous week even if that doesn't sound like much :) 

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