Sunday, March 11, 2012

The jokes of the doctor's office ;)

My mom might just be slightly paranoid.
Might, just might be enormously UNDER exaggerating.
2 summers ago we went to Flaming Gorge for our normal family vacation like we do every year. But, this time for some reason all of us lost our brains or something...
We always get sunburned when we go to that amazing place. I know that sounds dumb. But what are you supposed to expect when you are outside from sunrise to sundown in the water or playing 4 square. That's just how it works when you have sensitive skin (for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about because you tan easily. This is coming from a girl who literally goes outside for 5min and gets sunburned).
So we all got burned. From looking at my back, I actually had the worst sunburn. But, when we looked at the legs/thighs, Ash was the worst.
You can't really tell from this picture, but it was pretty bad... 

Ouch. We didn't really wear shirts for a while, just our swimming suits.

It was pretty painful for her. She couldn't really wear pants other than basketball shorts, and even that was painful. It just seemed to get worse and worse so my mom, being the paranoid mom she is. Took Ash to the doctors.
Surprisingly it was actually a good thing for her to go because she ended up having a 2 degree burn on her thighs. He gave her some creme and she couldn't walk or wear normal pants for a week, but still, isn't that sort of a really embarrassing thing to go to the doctors for.

But the worst part about this story is a month and a half later I come into the doctors office. Being carried. By Ashley. For what reason? Ya, I burned my feet on the black top.
This story needs a little explanation.
I was at school and we had conditioning for basketball. We had to run a mile on the track outside. I didn't bring any tennis shoes, I had completely forgotten, I had just worn flip flops to school that day. It was a pretty hot day, but being me I didn't really think about it. So I just said I would run without shoes. My coach and friends said to run on the grass, but I didn't want to because for some really odd reason that I'm still questioning in my mind I thought that I could step on a rusty nail and then die...
I guess what happened is better... (I think) then stepping on a nail (NOT dying).
I was running and doing fine. My feet kind of hurt and burned, but I thought it was just because it was a little hot and I was running bare foot on the ground. But as I was halfway through my last lap I realized what was going on. I started to feel the bottom of my foot sort of rise up... like a bubble... NOT GOOD!
When I finally finished I went and sat down to look at the damage. They didn't look too bad when I first glanced, but when I touched them... ya owww...
This is right after it happened... this doesn't even look bad. But if you looked from the side, it was a lot worse... and it grew after this.... 
I had two huge blood blisters on the top part of my foot. They were about the size of that top part of your foot if you were to walk on your tippie toes all day. And then I had 2 small ones on my heals. Wow. I felt like an idiot. We went inside to play basketball. There was no way I was going to play now. I could hardly walk (I was just walking on the sides of my feet, good think I don't have bad ankles). The worst part was, the blisters just kept getting bigger and bigger and filling up more. I thought it was slightly awesome, because that's just how I am. But I'm not going to lie, it was pretty painful. My feet just constantly felt like they were on fire. But my friends kept laughing and telling me how dumb I was (which WAS totally true, who does that...?). Oh, and my coach. He already had plenty to make fun of me for, but this was just juicy. Ew, literally.
This was a LONG while after. Actually, on the day that I took all the skin off because it had finally dried.  This looks great compared to what it really looked like. Ha, plus, it looks small.
So, because I couldn't walk (I really hardly could without a lot of pain) I had Ashley give me a piggy back to the doors and then Austin drove his truck to the doors and he then carried me to the truck. I got home and my mom was like great. She then proceeded to ask me the logic of running on a blacktop on a hot day without shoes. As always I couldn't really explain besides the whole I was scared of stepping on a  nail thing.
She asked me if I would rather have her pop the now 1/2inch thick blisters or if I'd like to go to the doctors. My mom sometimes isn't too gentle with her own children, I decided to go to the doctor. So Ash gave me a piggy back in the doctors office. All our doctor could say was, "oh no, what now?"
Yep. Another "burn victim" and only on month away. That's embarrassing.
I told him the story, he couldn't help from laughing. I don't blame him.
Then he slit open those guys with a razor and sqoze (ok I don't think that's a real word) all that blood out. Sooooooo painful. Then he wrapped them up (this, and beside the fact he had just slit open those things made it so I really couldn't walk) and we headed out. Ashely and I were planning on going to the movies and dinner with Andrew and Austin, and they still wanted to do that. Even though I couldn't walk....
But we did and Austin just carried me everywhere. Kind of embarrassing, but entertaining because I got the weirdest look... this girl being carried everywhere by her boyfriend.... with these huge bandages on her feet.... I would stare too.
After 3 days of not being able to walk I finally was able to, but only on the sides of my feet. My ankles and the sides of my feet are very strong now.

Ok now here's the other story before we get to the story that happened this week.
Katelyn was at school and her hands were blue.... (I don't know this story very well, so sorry) so the teacher called my mom and she came to pick her up. My mom is freaking out because she thinks (thinks is the key word) that she's losing oxygen because they are well, blue. So she takes her as quick as she can to the doctors office. While in the waiting room, I think, she was just thinking and realized that Katelyn had new pants on and that she had been rubbing her hands on them all day. Hence, making them blue. The doctors office had a good laugh.

So where this whole thing was going, Ash told me a story about how on Friday my mom took her to the doctor because she had this weird bump on her elbow. Ya. A bump. She told my mom and then she said we are going to the doctor. The doctor just gave her some meds and said it was good she came in, but then Ashely said she was reminded of how we are sort of the joke of the office. And, our doctor still hasn't forgotten about these events I just shared with you. We just make his day when he comes in, he knows it'll be something interesting. ;)
That's all! Wow! Lost of words!

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