Sunday, March 18, 2012

One of the best Sunday's :)

Today was seriously an amazing Sunday!
Jackie was here so I went to her sacrament meeting with her at 9:00 and then we went to my stake conference at 10:00. We were for sure uplifted!
But we didn't end up getting to stake conference until 11, so we waited for intermediate hymn to walk in. While we were out in the hallway a mom was bouncing her little girl. The baby wasn't old enough to talk or even walk. She wasn't very happy and was crying a lot. Her mom then just kind of walked over to the big picture of Christ at the second coming trying to distract or calm her down (you know this one, they at least one big one in every church, plus, it's one of my favorite pictures).

 Right as the little girl looked at the picture she immediately (really) stopped crying and started almost giggling with a huge smile on her face. It was the cutest thing I have EVER seen! I couldn't help but smiling and me and Jackie both turned to each other and just said "that's so cute!" Then her mom kind of started walking away and she started to cry again. Then her mom walked over to a picture of Heavenly Father and Christ appearing to Joseph Smith. The baby immediately stopped crying again and looked with a huge smile and started giggling! Then her mom also showed her the picture of Christ appearing to the Nephite's.
I can't even explain how amazing that was. It just really showed me how close He is. And how really close children are to him. They recognize Him, and know Him. It was a very humbling and testimony building experience.
Then stake conference was amazing! We heard that we missed a lot of good talks in the first hour as well. But, I was also grateful that I was able to take the sacrament ;)
Then my stake president said something that me and Jackie just loved. He said: "Share your testimony. You never know who might need to borrow it for a little bit." I loved that! Because people do need to "borrow" others testimonies before they gain their own. So we should constantly be sharing it with other to not only strengthen theirs, but build ours.
I then went home and me and my sisters spend most of the day watching funny home videos. Most of them were just of me eating, taking a bath, lying there... you know, the first child thing. We have a million tapes of me, but not as many of my other sisters. It was kind of cool to see how much my parents loved me, and loved being parents. Plus, it was just fun to see my mom and dad so happy and in love with each other :)
While we were watching we came across one part where my mom and dad were sitting on the couch. They had probably just put me to bed and they were having FHE. They set the recorder down and my dad said, "this is for you Nicole, and for the rest of the kids to come." Then they tried to started singing "Love at Home" but as always my dad was making my mom laugh and it took them a good 5min to start it seriously. They then sang "Love at Home" (a family favorite, as well as one of my mom's and dad's favorite), "I Stand all Amazed" (my dads favorite song), and "Because I have been given much" (my moms favorite). I have to say, they weren't bad, and I loved hearing them sing together. This was the first time we had ever seen this and we all just loved it. We all then started singing along with them on the tape. It was a special moment for us ;)
We then just watched some more random things like Christmas and Easter, family parties, flaming gorge, birthday's, and other random things. I loved it!
We then ate dinner together. We were all kind of in a little bit of a weird mood. We were kind of getting to each other before the prayer and things. But then something really stupid happened before we prayed.... I can't even remember what it was, but Karly started to pray and couldn't even get 3 words in before we all busted up laughing and couldn't stop. The funny thing was, we all still had our arms folded and eyes closed. We just laughed until we couldn't breathe. Karly was crying, Ash was on the floor, and my mom's head was on the table. It was beyond funny! Those are the moments that I just love! Obviously we needed to be nicer before we could start the prayer! Hahaha. Well, we did get through the prayer and had a yummy dinner plus lots of more laughs.
I then went to a fireside for my singles ward and had a great time at that as well.

OH! I forgot! In case you didn't know. We watched my dad play a whole basketball game on the home videos and guess what.... ya.... he was the older Jimmer. I swear. I have proof. We were impressed! You guys need to see this!

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