Sunday, March 4, 2012

The end of the road...

More pics to come!

Here we go! 
Right now my emotions literally are... flat... if that's how you say it... I really just don't think that everything has set in yet. Or maybe I'm just relieved... I'm not quite sure yet.
But here's how the pageant went. 
The night before was a little crazy. Maybe a little tears, but not for the reasons that you are thinking and lots of headaches and craziness. 
The morning of the pageant was completely crazy as well. My mom was helping Christina fix her dress, but then she ended up wearing a different dress anyways. But I was so tired from having a "slumber party" with my mom. We stayed up till 3:30 talking like either a married couple (not in a weird way, just about my sisters and things, my mom just needed someone to talk to about things like that so she always tells me everything. I just really love that I can be there for her and that I have a great relationship with her so he trusts me and wants my advice) or like a couple of teenage girls (maybe just a tad bit more mature though). 
So I felt like I was going to fall asleep while standing the whole day... that didn't help everything that was going on. But we got through the dress rehearsal and all the girls did AMAING! I just couldn't wait! Everyone kept asking me if I was nervous. To tell you the truth, I really wasn't. I didn't get to nervous before the pageant last year either, and that was a lot more intimidating. But I didn't feel too good about my piano piece when I was practicing... I didn't have a ton of time to practice, so... yep... 
Then just a bunch of craziness in the middle before I had to be there. I had to get all my stuff ready and organized plus take a shower, get my hair and make up done, practice piano, eat, and breathe. It was a lot less time then I had anticipated. 
But we got it all done in time, barely. I got there and we got some last min stuff done before.
My first outfit was slighty awesome. We decided on the day of the pageant that I should go with the 50's theme. So I wore my short pink dress with the white ribbon in my hair and around my waist. Then I had my hair curly in a hight pony tail with my crown and some awesome pink and white sparkly converse :) I have to say, I think people thought I was a nut/awesome. 
Oh ya, so I was able emcee the whole think with Mike (a member of the city counsel). It was pretty fun, but sort of awkward because there was only one mic. 
My second outfit was a black dress that I had original planned on wearing for the talent but the day of the pageant again I decided to switch for some different reasons. But I wore them with some super cute pink shoes. I failed at my piece, but that's ok! I have some excuses.... that are pretty legit... I think ;) 
The last outfit I wore was a teal dress that is actually Ash's dress. It is beautiful and I felt pretty amazing in it. ;) 
But after my walk (which was completely lame I'm not going to lie. But we won't even talk about that) I actually had Kirah (the one that originally won) come up and I recognized her. I'm such a weirdo, but I started crying for some reason! Why? I have no clue. I swore I wouldn't. But just all the emotions of everything came down on me and It was hard to handle. But, oh well! Hahaha I did feel pretty stupid though. 
Alayna Woodhouse won Miss. Saratoga Springs 2012. 
Ashley Ottoson won 1st attendant.
Koryssa Farr won 2nd attendant. 
I am so happy for all of them :) they are going to have a way fun year! 
I feel relived and sad at the same time. It's kind of weird. 
But... surprise! I might be doing another pageant this April! Ok, I will be if I'm one of the first girls to turn in my papers. 
It's called days of 47'. I'm super excited because this is for sure my kind of pageant. I don't know much about it, but my grandma told me about it and she's really excited for me to do it as well :) 
More to come on that later! 
But over all I had an amazing night even thought I feel like I completely failed at everything I know the girls had a good time. Plus, I'm super proud of Christina :) she did AMAZING! I'm glad she had a good time and I loved watching her :) Thanks to everyone that came and supported me! It was so great to have all my family and friends there for me, as they always are! Love you guys! 
THE END! For now....  

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