Wednesday, October 31, 2012

19 days... I can do this.

19 days till I am done with this semester. Then I can just focus on my mission. Wow the days are going by slow. If I start thinking about my papers or my mission the world just switches to slow motion mode. It is literally killing me… and my grades. School hasn’t seemed to matter since the whole mission thing. Which is really bad. I’m still paying for this thing!

On Sunday our Primary had their program. My kids did SO good. They sang amazing and said their parts perfectly. Since they did so amazing we decided to write Elder Miller (their other teacher) some letters when we were in class. They are wrote the cutest and funniest things. I sent them to him along with another letter. I also got a letter back from him. I cannot believe how much he has changed already! I am so proud of him! Anyways. Just wanted to share the good news. J
I’ve just been preparing for my mission. All I want to do is study the Book of Mormon and Preach my Gospel. I have also decided to take on Jesus the Christ. My Stake President told me that if I read it before my mission it will bring me so many blessings. 

Oompa Loompas

I had such a fun time this Halloween. Ok. Let's be real. I do every year. But this year was a little bit different because we did not have anything planned... besides a costume. We always hung out with Austin and watched scary movies, went trick-or-treating, and ate as much as we could. We were a little stumped. 
I started off the day by waking up bright and early for class. Then I hung out with Danny for a while. We saw Perks of being a Wall Flower, went to mall, and got Cafe Rio. Cafe Rio was a mistake. I couldn't do my usual pigging out because I was so full. And I didn't even eat the whole thing. 
I then went home and got into my awesome costume. 
Ash decided that we should set up the projector and play just dance on the garage since it was such a nice night. We did that and handed out candy for a while. Then we decided to go to a few places. Just for doughnuts, scones, and churros. We rode scooters around. We must be getting old. It was weird to ride it. Then we stopped at our favorite peoples house (The Danforth's) talked to them a while, went to see the Miller's, who weren't there. Went to see the Fritcher's (they were there with the Miller's, just like we thought) and that's about it. We just visited a lot with our neighbors. It sounds really simple, because really- it was. And it was just perfect! 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Oh ya...

The end.
I can't explain my excitement through this so I'm not even going to try... :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Memory #5

One of the times my dad had surgery he was in the University of Utah hospital. There was this bridge thing connecting from the U to Primary Children's. We would walk over there to get ice cream or food from Primary Children's every time we were there. One time we decided that we would have a wheelchair race... I would like to clarify that this was the sidekicks idea (my mother). 
We were so excited. We went up and down a couple times before getting in some pretty big trouble (probably because we were ACTUALLY with an adult). I just remember my dad laughing and us just having a good time while we were there with him even though he was in the hospital. 
Just make the best of whatever situation you are in and your life will be a lot more enjoyable. :) 

Spirit in the Vending Machine Room

On Monday night I was just hanging at Christina's dorm. She was at FHE and I was using her wi-fi because mind wasn't working. I get a text from her saying that someone in her ward needs a ride to the hospital, she asked if I could drive him. Of course- I said yes. 
He was in a lot of pain. Most likely appendicitis. He was grabbing his right side, and was white as a ghost. We waited in the ER for 3 hours. It's so crazy and makes me so sad that someone would have to wait that long to see a doctor when his appendix could potentially burst. I just tried to make him as comfortable as possible. I didn't even really know him, but I wanted to help. 
After about an hour I had the thought that he needed a blessing. We asked him if he'd like us to call the bishop or his home teachers to come over. He told us that he would like that. Christina called the bishop and he made arrangements. One of his home teachers and 2 friends came to the ER to give him a blessing. 
It was pretty funny when the 3 boys arrived. They came in the doors of the ER dressed in their suits and ties. The double doors opened and they seriously looked like these missionary stripping warriors or something. It was so fun to see. They were ready and willing to serve and they would do whatever it took because they loved the Lord. Just like the stripping warriors and missionaries do. 
We didn't know where to go. It was too cold outside and too loud inside. We asked them if they had a room we could give him a blessing in. The nurse said that most people just use the vending machine room. We were very grateful to have somewhere nice and quiet to give him a blessing. The 3 boys were so amused that I could just ask the nurse where we could give him a priesthood blessing and she knew what that was. They are from out of state so it was pretty abnormal. 
I'm just so grateful to live in Utah. Yeah, it may be a bubble. But there is nothing wrong with a bubble! I love it here and am so glad that we have priesthood holders when needed and that they are so willing to serve. 
The spirit was so strong in that little vending machine room. It didn't even have a door. We grabbed a bench for him to sit on and all went in there. The boys gave an amazing simple blessing. The spirit filled the room and I could tell Heavenly Father was listening and cared so much about Trevor (the boy with appendicitis). He ended up getting in about an hour and a half later. We called him mom and explained everything. The bishop even came and made sure everything was ok. We stayed there and made sure everything was ok. We ended up leaving about 1:00am and we had one of the boys stay here with him. He had surgery at 5:00am today and it went well. We have been coming in shifts so that he always has someone with him. It has been such a cool experience and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of it! 
This just shows that the spirit can be anywhere and that the power of the priesthood is real and powerful. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Elder Miller.

I can't believe that it's time for Austin to leave! I still don't think it has hit me yet. Austin has been one of my best friends for a really long time. I moved in when I was in 4th grade. He was in my Sunday School class and I immediately had this huge crush on him. He was cute and super flirty. At this time I was just figuring out boys, and figuring out that I liked them. So that made it even worse. We were in the same Sunday School for the rest of the time when we were youth. We talked a little bit here and there, at combined activities and ward parties and stuff. Just because we were the same age we saw each other a lot. I remember a point when I thought that he actually like me. It was when I was 15 and we were at our youth conference. We call it the "special" youth conference. For reasons that can be left unsaid... He flirted with me and Amanda a ton. What I didn't know, is that he really liked Amanda. The next summer in 2008 we started hanging out. Me, Ash, Christina, Amanda, Andrew, and Austin. That was a really fun summer. None of us had jobs or even a care in the world. It was a blast. We would talk sometimes all day on my porch. We got to know each other so well. We also would do fun things like go rafting down the canal, or walk to walmart plus a lot more. We all say that it was one of the most fun summers we have ever had. Austin and Amanda were really close... not really "going out" but ya know. Andrew and I were sorta really close too... but I still liked Austin a LOT. I hadn't stopped liking him since I was in 4th grade. But all of us just had fun. Especially when we had youth conference in Moab. Then once school started I kind of drifted away from Andrew, and Austin started dating someone else. We were still way good friends. But I was kind of sad. Mainly just because he was my friend, not really because I liked him. Homecoming... that was a disaster on my part. Zach asked me, and I was a jerk to him because Austin was in our group and I still really liked him. I was a little jealous. So I butchered that date. Then he broke it off with his girlfriend and he told me that he liked me. I got my first C ever in Astronomy because he was in my class. Plus, our teacher hated us, and we got in trouble a lot. I remember him telling me that he also liked this other girl and it was kind of between me and her right now. He started going out with her for a little bit, and then broke it off. After that we first held hands at Jeff's farewell party and had our first kiss in the parking lot after my sisters game. We started officially "going out" the next day at combined mutual. You can see from the pictures all the fun times that we had together. And those aren't even all of them. Now I'm not going to go into detail about how many times we broke our relationship off and things like that. I hardly remember how many times it was or for what reasons. But really, it doesn't even matter. I just know, that we had so many good times and moments. Every day I remember learning something new about relationships, love, friendship, myself, and him. But I was for sure not good at a relationship and ruined that. We broke it off after about a year. It hurt me more than I can even express. I regret ruining that relationship. I still believe that everything happens for a reason. But I know it was for the best (plus, this post is not my sob story, it's just a summary of our friendship). We have just been really great friends for the past year and a half, and I'm totally loving that as well :) a lot less pressure, and not as much fighting. He is just an amazing person. He will make the people of Georgia so happy, and will make a really lucky girl amazingly happy someday. :) I feel so lucky to be able to call him one of my best friends, and to be able to have spent so much time, fun, and laughs together. I am going to miss him more than I can even explain. But I know with all my heart that he is doing the right thing and I could not be more happy for him!

These pictures are not in order by date or anything. They are actually super random, sorry about that!

Memory #4

My family and I went on this trip to Yellow Stone in 2010. I was dating Austin, so he came. My mom was dating this other guy, so he and his daughter came. It was such a fun trip. We stayed in a cabin and just did all that stuff you do at Yellowstone... 
But the memory I wanted to tell about is something that happened there. My scriptures are my most valuable possession. If there was a fire, I'd probably grab my scriptures, my journal, and my pictures. Scriptures being first. I brought them on our vacation and didn't realize till we were on our way home that I had left them in our hotel room the night before. I was furious. I freaked out till we called the hotel and even drove back to look for them (we were only about 45min out). We did everything we could to find them. Even days after we were home my mom would call the hotel every day to see if they had found them. I was so mad. Those scriptures were the ones I had all through seminary (except for my senior year). They were all marked up and had so many notes and bookmarks in them. All I could think about was the negative things. I was being so selfish. I was angry with myself and "whoever" took my scriptures. 
After a while I finally calmed down about it and realized that this could have been a huge opportunity in my life. Someone that really needed to hear about the gospel could have found my scriptures. Maybe the maid took them, or someone else. I changed my attitude. Now I like to think that someone found my scriptures and could have found the gospel through me. Even if not, it has given me a chance to start with a blank slate and write in my scriptures even more now. I hope in heaven I can find out what happened to them. Even if it was nothing. I know that this was a blessing in my life and that it was meant to happen. :)     

Jazz Game!

I test drove a car about a month ago and I got Jazz tickets because I did! I'm really glad that I actually didn't buy the car though! I almost did. I was so close. But I know that my mom was listening to spirit when she told that it probably wasn't a good idea. I don't know what I'd do right now if I had a car. I'm already stressing about selling my contract. Imagine trying to sell a car.
Anyways. So the Jazz game.
Ash and I headed down there right after I got home from work on Saturday. My mom told us we should ride the tracks so that we didn't have to find parking. We got to the tracks station and had NOOOO idea what we were doing. Like seriously. No idea. This guy could even tell, he told us what bus to get on. We got on that bus. But- he must have been confused because it was going South. Good thing the Lady told us. Hahaha we even talked about what we would have done if it started going the wrong way. Not a good idea.
So then we decided to get on the next one. We were still freaking out, thinking it was the wrong one again. Finally the announcer dude said that it was going to SLC and we took a big sigh of relief.
I thought I was going to die. Believe it or not I have never even rode the tracks (is that correct grammar??? Who knows). Actually, it probably is obvious because of all of the dumb things I just told you. Anyways. We met two missionaries. They were so cool. To me, missionaries seem like celebrities. And they always have. But even more so now! I talked to him the whole ride. He told me about how when he got his call to Salt Lake he was a little disappointed. He's been out 5 months and he says that it really is the best mission. I told him everyone says that. But he convinced me that it really is the best one. I totally believe him. Their goal is to baptize at least one person A WEEK. That is crazy! And they usually meet that goal! I know that Salt Lake is the most successful mission. But I didn't know it was THAT successful! They were actually on their way to take a family that they were going to baptize this upcoming week to temple square. We talked about everything. I even asked him for advice. He told me that I needed to read the Book of Mormon at least 3 times. I'm almost done with my fourth time. Then he said to start reading Preach my Gospel, which I have started doing as well, and said to read Chapter 3 over and over again. It was so much fun talking to them and I also talked to this other guy for a while and this other couple. I can't wait to just be able to talk to people about the Gospel all the time!
Row 3. 

Ya. We made it on the tracks. We think... 

At the game :)

So we finally got to the Jazz game. We had so much fun! We were a little late because of our track issues, but we still made it. We had really high nose bleed sections. My mom was on the third row. Like THEE third row. One of her friends won tickets from his work. They were worth 660$. It was insane. We went down there at the fourth quarter because they had some seats. We couldn't keep our mouths closed. It was amazing. WE COULD SMELL THE PLAYERS! We were in awe. It was so close. And so real. I can't even explain. I didn't realize how much I missed basketball. But ya. We had such a good time. I love spending time with my sister :)
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