A few years ago I had this great/miserable experience at Flaming Gorge. I had just started my period the day we were going to leave. I don't really get cramps that much, but on our way there I started getting really really bad cramps. The worst I have ever gotten. They progressively got worse as we drove. We always stop at Walmart on our way in Vernal. I got some medicine. We kept driving. It didn't help. I felt like I literally was going to die. My mom called my cousin and asked what she could do. My mom used that thing where you rub your feet to try and help me feel better. That didn't do anything either. We realized that I was basically having contractions. I have never ever been in so much pain in my life and I swear that I never will be. I just wanted to die. We finally got to Flaming Gorge. We were basically planning on going home. My sisters would stay and my mom would take me home or to the doctors or something. But since my uncles were all up there my mom asked me if I wanted a blessing before we left. I of course said yes. Ok- I need to re-explain the pain I was in... ok I really can't. But seriously guys... it was incredibly bad. I have never even felt close to this pain ever in my life. My uncle Dale and EJ gave me a blessing. Immediately after I fell asleep for about an hour and a half. I woke up, and felt completely fine. I was able to have a super fun time that year and never had anymore pain. Actually, I haven't even had a tiny cramp since that day (I know. I'm pretty lucky).
I just know that the Priesthood is a very special gift from God. Priesthood blessings work, but just like prayer, it is still in God's own time and way. If the Priesthood holder listens to the spirit and is guided by the spirit you will receive an answer that is from God. Even though I don't have an immediate priesthood holder in my home I have so many around me that I know I can ask anytime for a blessing if I need one and I am so grateful for that. :)
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