I had one of the happiest days of my life yesterday. I always think something exciting will be announced in conference like everyone gets free ice cream or something (ya no... I don't really know what would be exciting, but I always hope there is something like that). Or maybe something scary like we have to start polygamy again. All I know about those things is that whatever President Monson tells us to do, I will do it without question and without hesitation.
The announcement that the age of going on a mission has been lowered literally changed my life in a blink of an eye.
As President Monson was talking about the boys and changed the age I immediately hoped he would change the girls as well. I waited in anticipation... I thought he would just change it to 20 because he had only put the boys down one year. When I heard him say 19 I thought I was in a dream. I didn't know whether to cry or scream in excitement. In reality- I was so incredibly happy and in shock that I didn't know what to do. I felt like my insides were going to burst. I couldn't even cry because of it. But believe me- that came later. I can't say that I can think of a happier I have felt in my life. Or at least it's in the top 5 times when I have felt the most happiness in my life.
I was with my roommates at the time he announced it, and I have to admit- I don't remember a lot of the rest of the first session. My excitement was really getting to me. I went to work a little bit before the first session was over in complete happiness. I had a 10 hour and 45 minute shift ahead of me... I didn't care a bit. The only reason I didn't want to go was because I wanted to call and cry to my mom. I waited in anticipation all day just to be able to talk to my mom. All the cashiers would talk to me about it. Even the customers would. People were just thrilled about the news! I even got quite a few texts and facebook messages of people telling me that I was the first person they thought of when they heard the announcement. I can't tell you how much that means to me!
Finally I got off, but my family went to bed before I got home so I couldn't talk to them about it.
Instead I got to talk to Austin about it and then Zach. But on my car ride home I couldn't help but pour out my heart in gratitude and happiness to my Father in Heaven. I couldn't even control myself. I can't even explain the moment in words. I felt so close to my Father in Heaven and knew that He was there listening to every single word I was saying. This was an answer to my prayers that I did not expect. It just goes to show that we have no idea what is in store for us and Heavenly Father has a plan for us and it will not always follow what we want. I'm just lucky this time it was exactly what I wanted, just not at all what I expected.
I had been praying to find myself and know what I needed to be doing in my life because what I was doing just wasn't working. Sure I was going to school, working, making friends, reading my scriptures, going to church, all of that. It just felt like something was missing. I kept saying that to my family and friends. I just thought that I was missing a boyfriend/husband or something. Mainly because that is what I wanted so badly. But I was already planning on going on a mission. This just means I get to go earlier and it will be a little easier to have a plan for my life. I am going to drop everything and go. I will finish this semester at school and go when and where I get called. I cannot even wait. And I haven't even turned in my papers yet! This is going to be an agonizing next couple of months just waiting. But I know I can do it! At least I will have school occupying my thoughts to help!
I told my mom after the first session of Sunday conference. I had already texted her and my whole family basically knew me, and knew that I would be going. But I hadn't actually told her. Plus, I wanted to make sure that it was the right thing, and that I wasn't just too excited about it to not listen to the spirit. I fasted that morning. After conference was done I just knew I was supposed to go. I looked at her and said, "Mom, I'm going. I'm going on a mission." Then I just started balling. I told her my testimony and said that I knew President Monson was an instrument in God's hand because I had been praying for it. She hugged me and we cried together. It was definitely a moment I will cherish and never forget.
I just know without a single doubt in my mind that Heavenly Father knows our needs, wants, and he knows what is best for our church. I know President Monson is called of God and receives revelation through him. This is going to be a huge change in our church, but I know it will be for the better. And I can't wait to start serving people in need of the gospel for a year and a half of my life! I can't wait to have another experience like I did with Jackie. I can already see the impact that her having the gospel in her life has done. 2 of her friends are getting baptized now because of her. Because of course, this isn't for me, it's for the wonderful people that are ready to hear the gospel and I can't wait to be an instrument in my Heavenly Father's hand to find and teach them! :)
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