Monday, October 15, 2012


I THINK I can wait till then. But then I still have at least 3 weeks to wait for my call. Probably longer than that. 
I can't explain how excited I am to go. I have been studying Preach my Gospel, and I just love it! I can't get enough. It just makes me love the gospel and this work so much more than I already did. It makes me realize just how simple the gospel is, but how extremely important it is to do those small and simple things. It may seem like repetition, but it invites the spirit. And by inviting and letting the spirit teach us we will learn new things about our Savior, Heavenly Father, and the gospel that we didn't know before, or maybe that we had forgotten. Our testimonies are either growing or dying. They do not stay the same. We need to be looking for way and praying for ways and opportunities to increase our own personal testimonies. Prayer, Scripture Study, and attending church are just a few of the simple things we can do to help our testimonies grow. I can't wait to share the sweet special gift of the gospel to my brothers and sisters, wherever they may be, and bring them back to the light through the spirit and the my Savior, and Father in Heaven. :) 


  1. I didn't know you turned in your papers! Hats very exciting!!

  2. Well I will be next Tuesday :) haha I forgot to clarify. I sure wish it was this Tuesday though!


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