Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Lords hand

When I was at the MTC on Monday the missionaries asked me how I felt Heavenly Fathers love in my life.
I responded by saying that every single day I felt his hand in my life. Whether it was by guiding me by the spirit to make choices or even just the beauty around me I always know that he is there, watching over me and protecting me.
After I said that I thought about it more. I truly believe I know the moment that I started thinking that way. That is, that Heavenly Father is in my life every day. I was 16 and at girls camp. This was actually the year that my dad had passed away, so it was a very special year for Ashley and I. But he actually passed away on a Tuesday night. I won't tell that story now, but that night my secret sister Rachael Leonard told me that she was my secret sister. I was thrilled because I always looked up to her and I thought she was amazing (and still do more than ever!). But she gave me a super cute notebook for one of my presents, I think it was the first day, with a talk by President Eyring, and a super sweet note. 
I don't think that she'll ever have any idea how much that meant to me. 
It got me to start writing in my journal and gaining that habit. And, it made me recognize the Lords hand in my life every day which has been a huge help, blessing, and testimony in my life. 
I now can see that a lot of my choices are guided by prayer and the spirit. I could easily pick out a moment in every single day in my life that involved my Father in Heaven in one way or another. I can't even explain how much he is in my life. Not to mention all of the things I don't recognize or probably will never even know of. He cares so much about all of us and is always watching over us and helping us with things. I don't think we will ever be able to truly thank him for all he has done for us. 

Here is this talk by President Eyring, read it, and I guarantee that your life will be changed for the better. You will recognize his mighty hand in your life and learn to be thankful for all that you have been given. :)

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