Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Too Young?

Ya right! Everyone says how people are "too young" to get married.
By law, you can get married at 18...
So how's that too young?
If you find the right person, you find the right person? It don't matter when because we will all find them at different times and it really doesn't matter when, it just matters that you are with the right person is what I think :) It's not like you are going to be like, "Oh, well we are only 20, so we should wait 5 more years to get married because we are too young."
Bad idea.
I mean, how come it's ok to say someone is "too young" to get married, but if someone got married at 60 for the first time would they be "too old?"
NOPE! Not at all! That's just silly! You get married when you find the right person and that's the end :) it doesn't matter when :)
That is the end of my rant...

1 comment:

  1. It's a pretty popular statistic that the younger a couple gets married, the more likely they are for divorce. I just thought I would throw that one out there. Love, totally random stranger.


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